Teaching and learning is ever-changing and evolving (if 2020 is something to go off). New methods, techniques, products and technologies are constantly emerging – aimed at helping us educators to create a rich learning environment for our students. Sometimes it can leave us feeling overwhelmed and unsure of which to follow/try out.
New products or techniques can create a world of a difference in your classroom, for both the students and the teachers. Here I’ve compiled a list of the products that I’ve used in 2020, that enhanced the learning experiences of the children or made my life as a teacher easier.
My intentions are not to glorify spending hard earned cash in the classroom. More so at enabling you to work smarter, not harder this school year.
Links to Amazon and The Book Depository are affiliate links, read my disclosure policy to learn more.
Voice Amplifier
Hands down the best resource I own. My voice is quiet generally, but with a mask it was almost impossible for the children to hear me. As a result the overall environment in my classroom was strained (as was my voice) and frustrating for all. With a long battery life and an adjustable strap to be worn comfortably- this might just be my favourite product to date.
This is the Voice Amplifier that I own.
The Primary Planner
The perfect planner does not exist…until you find the ONE. The way this planner is organised is so simple, yet so effective. It has space for mapping out daily plans, as well as note taking, record keeping and much, much more. This is probably the only diary/planner that I have continued to use day in, day out. Normally I will buy 3 different planners and flick between them throughout the year. A definite classroom favourite of mine and one I’ll continue to use next year.
Find them here: The Primary Planner.
Photo cred: The Primary Planner.
Spellings For Me
Spellings For Me has not only changed the overall attitude to learning spellings in my class, but it has made spellings more inclusive and individual too. Each child has their own set of spelling words each week, based on their needs. It’s such an innovative, supportive way to teach children how to spell in a way that’s individual to each child.
The homework allows children to be creative and think about their words in a way that goes way beyond rote learning. Spellings For Me is the future of spelling in the primary school classroom and a definite for the classroom favourites this year.
Want to know more? Please check out their account, they run free webinars throughout the year: Spellings For Me
Each teacher was given a visualiser this academic year and I couldn’t believe the difference it made to the children’s learning experiences. During our read-aloud sessions, I’d project the book onto the board for the children to follow along with the text. It brought our already loved read-aloud time to the next level.
The visualiser is also excellent for modelling shared writing, sharing expectations with the children, whole class peer assessing a piece of work…the list goes on. Visualisers aren’t cheap, but if there’s a budget for one in your school, I’d highly recommend asking for one. One of my form classroom favourites this year.

Dabbledoo Music
Dabbledoo Music has given my children a love for music lessons with a teacher who always felt unconfident in teaching Music. This program is interactive, enjoyable and better yet SO EASY to use. It’s my comfort blanket as I know my children are engaging in top quality music lessons, while meeting the objectives at the same time.
Without Dabbledoo Music, I can honestly say that I would be sitting for hours trying to think if ways to teach Music to my students and failing miserably. For me, this program is worth every penny as it allows me to work smarter (not harder) and feel confident in the fact that my students are getting a rich Music education.
See more on how I use this program here: How to teach a quality Music Lesson: DabbledooMusic.
Enriching Education Tips and Tricks
Julie from Enriching Education provides so many tips and tricks on how to teach the transfer of skills across English and Gaeilge. As a result, I have changed my morning routine to incorporate more Gaeilge language learning. Julie gives simple, effective ideas on how to increase children’s oral Gaeilge too. My students are using more Gaeilge and LOVE writing their sentences each morning too.
Julie sent out a sheet for oral Irish questions across all themes too earlier in the year. We use it daily for practice and aim to learn 2-3 new ceisteanna each week. Highly, highly recommend.
Take a look at this video for more information: https://www.instagram.com/tv/CFsffzSh__j/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
I hope you enjoyed looking through some of my classroom favourites for 2020. If there are any favourites of yours that you’d like to share, please leave a comment below.